Famous Faces
Singers, presidents, & other famous people designs
Sweet, Spice, and everything nice 💐
For the Guys
Freshies aren't just for the girlies anymore! Browse these popular guy designs...
Funny Freshies
Freshies that make you laugh out loud!
Inspirational/ Awareness Designs
Mental health matters, Breast cancer awareness, Autism awareness and more
Mardi Gras
Check out all Mardi Gras themed freshies.
Most LOVED Freshies
My number 1 sellers !
Designs catered to who you are!
School Spirit
Go! Fight! WIN! Sports, Cheer, Dance, Seniors, etc
School Spirit
Go! Fight! WIN! Sports, Cheer, Dance, Seniors, etc
Southern Charm
These designs SCREAM "I love the south"! Crawfish, Mardi Gras, and much...
Valentines Day
Cute and Spicy Valentine’s Day themed freshies
Vent Clip Freshies
Vent Clip Freshies come as a set of two (2) mini freshies...